Easy contour drawing you tube
Easy contour drawing you tube

easy contour drawing you tube easy contour drawing you tube

It is likely you will have to back-track on the line at certain points and this is how it can end up looking like a messy scribble. To do the drawing without lifting your pencil from the paper you will be forced to follow lines in the subject you will never have noticed before. When you try to translate this into the movement of your hand, you are likely to end up with a tangled line that barely resembles what you are trying to draw. Remember, do it without actually looking at the piece of paper you are drawing on. Place your pencil on the page and carefully try to draw these outlines exactly as you see them. Look very closely at the overall outline of each part of the the thing you are drawing. Even ten minutes can seem like a lifetime when you are totally focussed on really looking closely at the subject you are drawing.ĭon’t let your attention drift away from your subject. To make blind contour drawings you should get comfortable first. Your hand eye coordination will get better too. Your observational skills will improve in time, and you can gradually get accustomed to relying on them more. The results are likely to look a bit messy.

easy contour drawing you tube

Then you will begin to see what is actually there, rather than what you think should be there. You should focus your attention on observing the subject. The left side of our brain tells us what we think should be there and it is easy to let that just take over without even realising. This means our conscious mind has chance to fill in gaps in our observations. Normally we look at the subject, take a snapshot of it in our mind, then look at the paper and draw completely from memory. It can be difficult to break the habits you have formed. These two simple rules might sound easy to follow, but you may be surprised. Never look at the paper you are drawing on and don’t take the pen from the paper until you have finished. The rules of blind contour drawing are simple. What Are The Rules of a Blind Contour Drawing? What Are The Rules of a Blind Contour Drawing?.

Easy contour drawing you tube