Sunshine manor violations
Sunshine manor violations

sunshine manor violations

Perhaps this inconsistency is an elaborate attempt at subverting the genre itself, meticulously constructed to create the very sense of uncertainty I’m criticizing. At one point, after ruthlessly dismembering a comparatively docile demonic entity, Ada proclaims “Holy moly, that was insane!” Is this meant as an earnest depiction of a small child reacting to such an event, or as comedic relief designed to erase any horror that might’ve been briefly achieved? There are numerous scenes throughout the game unquestionably intended to be humorous, and yet still countless others which strive to be taken seriously but come off just as silly. Not only do these insights into the game’s world sap most scenes of any discernible emotion, but they make me question the entirety of Sunshine Manor’s intent as an artistic work. The vast majority of Ada’s lines are prompted when the player interacts with objects in the environment, and tend to express a detached curiosity in the pervasive gore and death comprising her surroundings. This story’s protagonist is Sunshine Manor’s most confusing narrative decision, and the one chiefly responsible for the game’s ever-present jarring oscillation between humorous and eerie. You play as a young girl named Ada out on halloween night with her friends, so naturally it isn’t long before you find yourself trapped inside an ominous mansion, forced to navigate the dastardly puzzles and grotesque apparitions the house has on offer. It’s survival horror by way of the Super Nintendo, and while it seems intent on frightening its players, its attempts at eliciting a sense of dread are undercut more often than not by a lack of tonal clarity and near-constant technical frustrations. Sunshine Manor is a game I frequently caught with its jeans around its ankles. I can’t help but feel, however, that Freddy Kreuger would be significantly less frightening if his pants fell down every time he tried to chase someone down a winding hallway or moonlit street.

sunshine manor violations


On its own, the notion of a man with too little flesh and too many knives murdering me in my dreams is plenty scary, and the movie knows just how to twist this idea, taking it places that never fail to shock or awe. Nightmare on Elm Street is a terrifying film.

Sunshine manor violations